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BRITISH FARMERS Revolt: Unfair Trade Deals and Deceptive Food Labels Undermine Local Agriculture

BRITISH FARMERS Revolt: Unfair Trade Deals and Deceptive Food Labels Undermine Local Agriculture

London’s streets echoed with the voices of British farmers, expressing their deep concerns over free trade agreements and deceptive food labels. They argue these deals, inked by Tory governments post-Brexit with nations such as Australia, Canada, Japan, Mexico and New Zealand, are a blow to local farming.

The farmers highlight a stark contrast in standards between them and their international competitors. They are expected to adhere to stricter labour, environmental and health regulations which inadvertently allows foreign goods to undercut local produce prices. The issue is further amplified as European farmers gain access to UK markets thanks to generous government subsidies and the use of cheap migrant labour.

Adding insult to injury is a policy that allows foreign food repackaged in the UK to sport the British flag. This tactic muddies the waters for local farmers trying to set their products apart from overseas competition.

Liz Webster, founder of Save British Farming voiced her frustration at the protest stating that UK farmers are “completely disadvantaged”. She accused the government of reneging on its 2019 promise for a beneficial deal with the EU for British agriculture.

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